The original idea for SNIFFA came to the designer in 2022. He wondered why it was so inconvenient to use his favourite aromas, where you had to unscrew a cap, sniff the aroma and then carefully screw the cap back on each and every time. This tedious yet well-accepted ritual was made even more difficult if you had slippery hands, surely there had to be a better way?
There were simple sniffing spouts available back then, which replaced the cap with a basic nozzle you could stick up a nostril, but these were eternally open and if anyone knocked the bottle over the liquid contents would simply flood out.
This could go from being simply smelly and annoying to disastrous and expensive depending on the aroma spilt. Many would actually take the varnish off a nightstand, let alone stain the carpet and give you a headache by morning.
So he set about creating a leakproof cap replacement and quickly discovered how difficult this actually was, because the fumes of the aromas most people want to sniff happen to be extremely hostile to plastics, which is why they're not sold in simple plastic bottles, and why other leakproof caps now on the market come with a warning not to leave them on the bottle permanently.
Above was the initial concept design and it took two more years, hundreds of hours of work and the involvement of a material scientist to create a product which was not only leakproof but which could be left on any aroma permanently without it being ruined.
It's been a long journey, but hopefully worth all the effort. Welcome to the super convenient world of: